Euxanthus ruali

Guinot, 1971

Carapace relatively broad, 1.4 times as broad as long, convex in both directions but well deflexed on the lateral and anterior borders. Dorsal surface of the carapace subdivided into convex and smooth lobules; 3M and 4M fused and practically not separated from the large cardiac area; 2M longitudinally divided; 5L well delimited and prominent. No subhepatic cavities. Antero-lateral margin of the carapace markedly cut in four entire, cristiform, obtusely pointed teeth, the two posterior being clearly larger than the two anterior, the fourth forming a strong carina. Exorbital tooth without a marked tooth. Chelipeds equal, relatively small, with a crest on the superior margins of merus, carpus and propodus, smooth; outer surface of palm rugose and ridged in the posterior half. Ambulatory legs not very developed, here and there with some granules, elsewhere smooth, hairy on both anterior and posterior borders. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: New Caledonia.
Range: Japan - Amami-Oshima (Hayashi, 1965, Sakai, 1976a); New Caledonia (Guinot, 1971c).