Portunus suborbicularis

Stephenson, 1975

The carapace more orbicular than in Portunus orbitosinus, the last spine of the antero-lateral borders being comparatively smaller and the antero-lateral teeth not so remarkably spine-tipped. The patches of granulation on the dorsal surface of carapace are less remarkably areolated, i.e. the gastric and branchial patches are not clearly defined as in granulatus.
The ridges of wrist and palm are sharper and smoother, having somewhat pearly sheen. The penultimate segment of male abdomen is not markedly convex on outer borders. (Sakai, 1939)

Type locality: near Madu Manu Island, Hawaii, "Albatross" stn 4159.
Range: Mauritius (Stephenson, 1972a, 1975); Japan - Nagasaki (Sakai, 1939); Marshall Islands - Arno Atoll (Stephenson, 1975); Midway Island (Stephenson, 1975); Hawaiian Islands - Molokai, Auau Channel, Modu Manu, Hilo, and Oahu (Rathbun, 1906, Stephenson, 1975), Honolulu (Stephenson, 1972a); Society Islands - Moorea (Stephenson, 1975).