Trachycarcinus elegans

Guinot & Sakai, 1970

Surface of carapace with a velvety tomentum, upon denudation surface smooth and glabrous, weakly areolated, areolae armed with raised tubercles of various sizes; antero-lateral borders armed with three prominent and smooth spines, the last one projecting laterally; rostral spines rather slender, their tips simple, middle spine slightly overreaching lateral ones. Chelipeds in male very strongly heterochelous, larger cheliped much heavier and longer than subsequent ambulatory legs, upper faces of palm and carpus smooth. Second to fifth pereiopods smooth, no obvious spinulation. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: off Mikawa Bay, Japan, 120 m.
Range: Japan - Mikawa Bay and Sagami Nada (Guinot & Sakai, 1970), Sagami Bay, off Mikawa Bay and Kii Minabe (Sakai, 1976a), Suruga Bay (Takeda, 1997); Taiwan - Ta-Shi, I-Lan County (Ng & Chan, 1997); 100-405 m.