Parthenope cybelis

(Alcock, 1895)

This species closely resembles Lambrus turriger, from which it differs only in the following characters:
1. the regions of the carapace are all more elevated, and on the cardiac region - one behind the other, in the middle line - as well as on either branchial region, are two very large semi-erect spines of equal size; while in the middle of the granular posterior border is a single spinule:
2. the surface of the carapace, besides being granular, is very evenly and regularly pitted or reticulated:
3. the rostrum, which is nearly one-third the greatest breadth of the carapace, is more distinctly trilobed:
4. the chelipeds (which in females and young males are only 3 1/4 to 3 1/2 times the length of the carapace and rostrum), though of the same general slender proportions as in L. turriger, have the hand distinctly trigonal throughout, and the arm and hand armed with sharp laciniated spines on the upper aspect. (Alcock, 1895a)

Type locality: off Andamans.
Range: Sri Lanka (Alcock, 1895a); Andaman Sea (Alcock, 1895a); East China Sea - between Ishigaki-jima and Taiwan (Sakai, 1980); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (Flipse, 1930).