Parthenope validus

de Haan, 1837

This form is well represented by de Haan's original figures pl. 21, fig. 1 and pl. 22, fig. 1; also by Sakai 1938, pl. 39, fig. 1 and 1965, pl. 43, fig. 1. Such form is usually, but not always, represented in full-grown specimens, and the tubercles are coarse, some of which being enormous in size and conical as seen in the median gastric and cardiac regions and on the inner branchial, or on the upper surface and both borders of merus, carpus and propodus of chelipeds. The propodus of chelipeds is markedly thickened distally. The median rostral tooth is thin and obtusely pointed; the teeth of the antero-lateral borders are jagged. The ambulatory legs are subcylindrical, the anterior border of merus is marked with distant tubercles. Even in rather young specimens this form can be seen. (Sakai, 1976: 269)

Type locality: Japan.
Range: Japan - (de Haan), Sagami Bay and Tokyo Bay (Ortmann, 1893), Shimoda (Sakai, 1935), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1938a, 1965), from Boso Peninsula southward to coasts of Kyushu (Sakai, 1976a), Amakusa (Yamaguchi et al., 1976), Yamagata Prefecture (Suzuki S., 1979), Tanabe (Miyake, 1983), Hakodate (Komai et al., 1992); Korea - Keisho-nando, Zenra-nando, Chusei-nando and Kokai-do (Kamita, 1941), Hae-undae, Bangjugpo, Seogwipo, Biin, and Daecheon (Kim, 1973); China - Hong Kong (Shen, 1931), Qingdao (Shen, 1932), Fuzhou, Santuao, Liuwutien, Tsimei, and Xiamen, Fujian Province (Shen, 1940b), Bo Hai, Yellow Sea, East and South China Seas (Dai & Yang, 1991); Singapore; Australia - Moreton Bay (Campbell & Stephenson, 1970), Torres Strait and Queensland; Samoa; 30-200 m.