Micippa parca

Alcock, 1895

Rostrum broad, concave above and terminating at each distal corner in a tooth which is turned up and out. Several strong spines occupy the branchial region of carapace. Carapace less granular, two pearl-like tubercles set in posterior margin of carapace, one near each lateral border. A group of strong spinules occupy mid region between tubercles. P2-5 meri more strongly foliaceous. This species is really similar to Micippa margaritifera Henderson. (Edmondson, 1951: 213 & Takeda, 1977a: 124).

Type locality: Andaman Islands.
Range: Andaman Islands (Alcock, 1895a); Japan - Ogasawara-shoto (Takeda, 1977a); Sulu Archipelago - Pearl Bank, North Ubian and Pulu Tongkil (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); Indonesia - Damar Island, north Timor and Kepulauan Aru (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); Hawaiian Islands - French Frigate Shoal and Modu Manu (Rathbun, 1906), Honolulu (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); 13-72 m.