Rochinia debilis

Rathbun, 1932

The entire body is thickly covered with a coat of felty pubescence. On denudation, the surface of carapace is glossy and the thoracic legs slender and cylindrical. The gastric region is marked with three low tubercles, of which the two lateral are pointed and the rest obscure and found on the posterior median portion. The cardiac and intestinal areas are mounted with an obscure tubercle. All these tubercles are basally swollen. The preocular, postocular and hepatic spines are well-defined and of a medium size. The spine at the postero-lateral angle of the branchial regions is very prominent and acuminate, directing outward, forward and upward.
In the male, the rostral spines are very long and slender, approximately half as long as the proper length of carapace; in the female, the rostral spines are shorter and approximately one third the length of carapace. (Sakai, 1976: 224)

Type locality: off Jogashima Light, Sagami Bay, Japan.
Range: Japan - Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b, 1976).