Pugettia elongata

Yokoya, 1933

Carapace elongated pyriform; length a little shorter than two and a half times the length of the rostral horns, and longer than the distance between the extremities of the epibranchial teeth. Rostral horns subcylindric. Supraorbital eave rather narrow, producing to an acute supraorbital tooth. Hepatic expansion not very wide; hepatic projection more acute than postocular tooth. Surface nearly naked, but some setae are distributed somewhere; distinctly areolated. Regions more or less convex. In the medial line, there are three tubercular prominences, a gastric, a cardiac and an intestinal; the last is the most prominent.
Inner antenna longitudinal; outer antenna noticeable on either side of rostrum in the dorsal view; basal article broad and flattened on the ventral surface; succeeding two articles rather long and compressed. Merus of external maxilliped subquadrate, dilated antero-external angle and the palp inserted at the antero-internal angle. Cheliped in male well developed; merus with a prominent irregularly dentated carina on the upper margin and one more acute carina on the outer side. Legs slender, tubercular, but shorter than cheliped.
Abdomen in male consists of seven segments. (Yokoya, 1933)

Type locality: Omae-zaki, Japan.
Range: Japan - Omae-zaki (Yokoya, 1933).