Mursia microspina

Davie & Short, 1989

Carapace about 1.1 times as wide as long, its surface closely covered with granules; lateral frontal lobes rounded, median lobe projecting further than laterals; lateral spine of carapace upcurved and acuminate, about 0.04 times carapace width; posterior margin bearing three rounded lobes, lateral ones curved, median one nearly indistinct. Upper margin of cheliped serrate; external face with nine tubercles in three oblique rows and three tubercles near the base of upper crest; lower margin minutely serrate. Second to fifth pereiopods with upper border of joints rounded and smooth. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: South-east Queensland, Australia, 27°35'S, 153°50'E, 210 m.
Range: Japan - Tosa Bay (Baba, 1986); Taiwan; Australia - south-east Queensland (Davie & Short, 1989); New Caledonia (Galil, 1993); Loyalty Islands (Galil, 1993); 200-420 m.