Mursia danigoi

Galil, 1993

Carapace 1.2 times as wide as long, surface granulose. Radial tubercles prominent, minutely granulate. Median frontal lobe triangular, projecting beyond triangulate lateral lobes. Supraorbital margin unifissured. Suborbital sinus V-shaped, suborbital tooth triangulate pointing distad. Antero-lateral margins distinctly dentate, teeth diminishing in size anteriorly, posteriorly. Lateral spine reaching one seventh carapace width, minutely granulate, curved upwards. Postero-lateral margins beaded, angled medially. Posterior margin with lateral teeth, triangular, flattened, projecting further than median lobe. Chelipeds externally granulate. Merus of cheliped quadrispinose, distal spine largest, half as long as lateral spine. Outer surface of chela with nine tubercles in three oblique rows and two tubercles near base of serrate upper crest; lowest row with proximal tubercle acuminate, keel-like, median and distal tubercles rounded, with subsidiary denticles between teeth. Lower margin prominently serrate, teeth smaller proximally. Dactylus minutely granulate proximally on anterior margin. Upper margin of pereiopods nearly rounded, minutely granulate. Abdominal crest with flattened lobes, median lobe subquadrate, lateral lobes rounded. Comute distal portion of second male pleopod somewhat beta-shaped. (Galil, 1993)

Type locality: Philippines, 13°58.0'N, 120°13.7'E, Musorstom 1, stn 58, 143-178 m.
Range: Japan - Suruga Bay (Takeda, 1997); Taiwan; Philippines - north of Lubang (Galil, 1993); 80-204 m.