Latreillia valida

de Haan, 1839

Surface of carapace smooth; neck short, length less than 0.35 that of carapace measured in midline to base of rostrum, slightly arched dorsally, with a spine or its rudiment; swollen hepatic regions of carapace prominent, not spine tipped. Last ambulatory leg with propodus longer than carpus; dactylus not closing against subdistal propodal spinules and usually trailing. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Japan.
Range: South Africa; Japan - (de Haan, 1839), Shimoda, Owase, between Kochi and Ashizuri-misaki, Bungo Strait, Goto-retto, Tsushima, north of Noto, Toyama Bay, and north of Niigata (Yokoya, 1933), Manazuru (Sakai, 1935a), Tokyo Bay, Sagami Bay, Shimoda, Ise Bay, Kii Peninsula and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1936), Amakusa, Tsuyazaki, Tottori, Toyama, Niigata and Yamagata (Miyake et al., 1962), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b), Tokyo Bay, Sagami Bay, Izu Peninsula, Mikawa Bay, Shima Peninsula, Kii Peninsula, Tosa Bay, and Nagasaki (Sakai, 1976a), Yamagata Prefecture (Suzuki S., 1979), Wakanoura and off Honshu (Williams, 1982), Ashizuri-misaki (Miyake, 1983), Suruga Bay (Takeda, 1997); Korea - Cheju-do (Kim, 1973); East China Sea (Takeda, 1975a); Taiwan; South China Sea - (Serène & Lohavanijaya, 1973), Nansha Islands (Chen H. & Xu, 1991); Philippines - near Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981), Mindoro, E of Masbate, Sombrero, and Malavatuan Id. (Williams, 1982); Indonesia - between Timor and Roti (Ihle, 1913), Kepulauan Kai; 50-304 m.