Genkaia gordonae

Miyake & Takeda, 1970

Carapace with a large number of granules including the surface of the metabranchial regions. Antero-lateral borders with 1 granule, the distance of which to the exorbital tooth distinctly smaller than half the fronto-orbital breadth. Fixed finger of chela with distinct and large triangular teeth, longitudinal carinae on both fingers weakly developed. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Tsushima Strait, 33°49.9'N, 129°29'E, 100 m.
Range: Japan - Tsushima Strait (Miyake & Takeda, 1970a, Takeda, 1973c), Goto-retto and Okinawa (Tavares, 1993); 68-100 m.