Ketamia handokoi

Tavares, 1993

Carapace subcircular. Dorsal surface ornamented with short spinules, more developed on the pterygostomial regions. Protogastric nodosities weakly distinct; antero-lateral tubercles prominent, with small spinules. Exorbital teeth developed. Cornea well pigmented. Endostome not extending beyond the frontal border. External surface of third maxilliped with short pointed spinules. Chelipeds very ornamented, with sharp tubercles. P2-P3 similar: merus, carpus and propodus with a few very fine granules on the inferior surface. Male abdomen with five segments plus the telson. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Kepulauan Kai, Indonesia, 05°17.38'S, 132°41.07'E, Karubar st. CP 15, 214-221 m.
Range: Japan - Kakeroma-jima, Amami-shoto (Tavares, 2000); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai (Tavares, 1993); 214-310 m.