Stimdromia angulata

(Sakai, 1936)

Carapace slightly wider than long, surface smooth; frontal, branchial and cardiac grooves faintly marked; antero-lateral borders armed with three equidistant blunt teeth. Rostrum tridentate, all teeth prominent, blunt, and of same size. Palm of cheliped with inner face densely tomentose, superior margin with 3 tubercles, upper face with 3 more tubercles, a strong tubercle at base of movable finger, and 5 tubercles scattered over outer face. Second and third pereiopods heavily tuberculated, dactyli strongly curved at tips, inner margin armed with four small spines, their posterior face with a pearl-like tubercle at propodal articulation. Dactyli of fourth and fifth pereiopods opposed by a single propodal spine. Distolateral corners of third to fifth abdominal segments produced as distinct lobes. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Shimoda, Japan.
Range: Japan - Shimoda (Sakai, 1936c), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b), Sagami Bay, Kii Peninsula and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Mage-jima, Kagoshima Prefecture (Takeda, 1977b); Philippines - north of Panay (McLay, 1993); intertidal to 95 m.