Genus Orientotlos

Sakai, 1980

The carapace is obtusely triangular in outline, the frontal and intestinal borders are obtusely produced beyond the outline of triangle, both obtusely bilobate. The dorsal surface of carapace is convex, marked with paired and unpaired raised bosses, each of which is circumferenced by a row of tubercles, and dorsally depressed and tomentose. Around the antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders are a definite number of lobules, which are also circumferenced by tubercles and dorsally depressed.
Chelipeds are robust and the arm, wrist and palm are swollen and globular in shape. Ambulatory legs are slender. (Sakai, 1980)

Type species: Orientotlos iishibai Sakai, 1980.

Species treated:
Orientotlos iishibai Sakai, 1980