Genus Latreillopsis

Henderson, 1888

Carapace convex, subquadrilateral. Flagellum of antenna long. Chelae of mature males heavy, clearly broader than rostral horns. Merus of fifth pereiopod much longer than carapace; propodus much shorter than carpus, dactylus curved and opposing at least half of propodus, which has a number of spines at its lower border, without pincers. All seven segments of abdomen free in both sexes. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Latreillopsis bispinosa Henderson, 1888, by monotypy.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Latreillopsis bispinosa Henderson, 1888
Latreillopsis laciniata Sakai, 1936
Latreillopsis tetraspinosa Dai & Chen, 1980