Genus Austrodromidia

McLay, 1993

Carapace as wide or wider than long, surface smooth. Rostrum tridentate, supraorbital tooth present, postorbital tooth blunt or obtuse, no transverse ridge behind rostrum. Exopod on antenna well developed. Female sternal grooves end together between the first legs. Cheliped without epipod or podobranch. First two pairs of legs without podobranchs. Third leg shorter than fourth, fourth leg shorter than second leg, one or two propodal spines opposing dactyli of last two pairs of legs. Abdomen of six free segments. Uropod plates reduced and concealed or absent. (Türkay 1995; Davie 1996)

Type species: Dromidia australis Rathbun, 1923, by McLay's designation in 1993.

Species included:
Austrodromidia australis (Rathbun, 1923)
Austrodromidia incisa (Henderson, 1888)
Austrodromidia insignis (Rathbun, 1923)
Austrodromidia octodentata (Haswell, 1882)