Pseudopalicus microfrons

(Sakai, 1963)

Regions of carapace fairly well defined, each with tubercles and granules of various sizes; median frontal teeth very small compared to external ones; antero-lateral borders straight, armed with five subequal truncate teeth, which are closely approximated; posterior borders with very low, hardly discernible lobes. Chelipeds slightly heterochelous, chelae with two rows of granules along upper borders. Posterior borders of carpi and propodi of second to fourth pereiopods entire. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: west of Jogashima Light, Sagami Bay, Japan, 85 m.
Range: Japan - Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1963, 1965), Sagami Bay and off Mikawa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Shiono-misaki (Miyake, 1983); 85-120 m.