Zalasius sakaii

Balss, 1938

Carapace nearly as long as broad, narrow, breadth being < 1.08 length, somewhat globular, circular in outline. Dorsal surface markedly convex. Regions of carapace separated by very deep grooves; surface with only few pointed tubercles. Antero-lateral margins dented, with strong conical tubercles: a round hepatic tubercle followed by five small tubercles, one larger than the four following, the last teeth strongly projecting. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Singapore.
Range: Singapore (Balss, 1938b); South China Sea - near Poulo Condore (Serène & Lohavanijaya, 1973, Guinot, 1976); Vietnam - Nha Trang Bay (Guinot, 1976); Taiwan - Mitou, Kaohsiung county (Ng & Huang, 1997); Indonesia - Pantai Utar (Guinot, 1976).