Halicarcinus coralicola

(Rathbun, 1909)

Carapace subcircular, its surface grooves ill defined; lateral walls with one tooth near anterior lateral angles; rostrum with median lobe fringed with short setae, much longer than lateral ones, which are acutely spine-tipped, the concavities between rostral lobes are very faint and not nearly reaching to marginal rim. Chelipeds longer and heavier than subsequent ambulatory legs; fingers less than half length of palm; carpus more than half length of merus. Second to fifth pereiopods long and slender; no terminal spines on meri; dactyli curved, provided with a row of teeth in concavity. Male abdomen without fused segments. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Singapore.
Range: Japan - Mutsu Bay (Yokoya, 1928), Shimoda (Sakai, 1935), Tokyo Bay and Shimoda (Sakai, 1938a), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b), Tateyama, Sagami Bay, Shimoda, and coast of Fukui Prefecture (Sakai, 1976a), Yamagata Prefecture (Suzuki S., 1979), Ise Bay; Korea - Hanrim and Mijo Ri (Kim, 1973), Cheju-do (Kim & Chang, 1985); Taiwan - Lan-Yü (Lin, 1949, Sakai, 1938, 1976); Singapore (Rathbun, 1909); below high tidal zone.