Thacanophrys tosaensis

(Sakai, 1969)

This new species is closely related to Chlorinoides acanthonotus Adams and White from Borneo, but the branchial regions are apparently more swollen and the rostral horns much longer, their total length being more than half that of the carapace.
As in Ch. acanthonotus, the supraorbital spine is extremely long and curved posteriorly in the distal half, but unlike that species, it is simple and not bifurcate in the distal half. A long and simple spine in the middle portion of the intestinal region projects obliquely backward; in Ch. acanthonotus, however, it is divided into two proximally, one projecting upwards and the other horizontally backwards. The gastric region is armed with two long spines, one behind the other in the median line; the cardiac region also has two side by side, set near to each other and diverging somewhat. One hepatic spine of medium size, projects obliquely backward and finally two very long branchial ones near the antero-external corner, project obliquely forward in one case and obliquely backward in the other.
The merus of the ambulatory legs is armed with two long spines at their distal extremity. In other respects the new species agrees well with Ch. acanthonotus.
Measurements: Length of carapace of male holotype, 21 mm, width of same 17 mm, length of rostral horn 17 mm. (T. Sakai, 1969)

Type locality: Tosa Bay, Japan.
Range: Mozambique Channel (Griffin, 1974); Somalia - off Cape Guardafui (Griffin, 1974); Japan - Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1969, 1976), Nanki Susami (Miyake, 1983); 120-200 m.