Hyastenus kyusyuensis

(Yokoya, 1933)

The species is near Halimus borradailei Rathbun. Rostrum more divergent, horizontal and about two-thirds as long as rest of carapace. Regions fairly well defined, but almost smoothly surfaced. Anterior margin of postocular cup sinuated. Some very obscure tubercles on branchial region, and two more on each side of anterior gastric region. Two prominent tubercles on pterygostomial region. Chela with wide gape between fingers. Meri and dactyli of legs unarmed. (Yokoya, 1933)

Type locality: west of Tanegashima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, 126 m.
Range: Japan - west of Tanegashima (Yokoya, 1933), between Ito and Hatsushima (Sakai, 1935, 1938), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b), Sagami Bay, Kii Nagashima, Tanegashima and Danjo-gunto (Sakai, 1976a); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1969e); 35-150 m.