Pugettia marissinica

Takeda & Miyake, 1972

Description of holotype: The carapace is pyriform and well areolated, but not markedly convex from side to side as well as fore and aft; the postocular tooth is only slightly cupped, being curved forwards; the hepatic spine is much smaller and sharper than the postocular tooth, being directed a little forwards and upwards; the gastric region is well demarcated and rather convex, but not distinctly tuberculated; the cardiac region is conical and more or less tuberculiform, but as high as the gastric elevation; the intestinal region is lower but more tuberculiform than the cardiac region, protruding from the posterior border; the branchial region is not convex, and is armed with a spiniform tubercle at its posterior angle with a transverse level of the cardiac elevation; otherwise, the cardiac region is provided with a small, low protuberance associated with a straight hair inner the spiniform tubercle; the rostral spines, the anterior part of the gastric region, and the lateral parts of the branchial regions are covered with rather dense curled hairs.
The merus of the cheliped is more or less trigonal; its corners are thick and bluntly crested; its upper border bears three teeth, the sharp one at the subterminal and the blunt other two near the proximal part; the outer lower border is irregular but not dentated, while the inner lower border is armed with three blunt teeth; the terminal median tooth is very high and spiniform, and each lateral tooth is stout, and not spine-tipped. The carpus is provided with three irregular thin crests, of which those on the inner and outer borders are much sharper. The upper border of the palm is crested, but becomes blunt distally, while its lower border is rather thick.
The ambulatory legs are more or less nodular with longitudinal blunt crests; each of the merus and carpus bears a longitudinal crest near and along the anterior border, of which that on the carpus is sharper. The anterior border of the propodus is so somewhat produced that it upper surface is shallowly concave longitudinally. The posterior borders of the propodus and the dactylus are prominently hairy, and the lower border of the dactylus is spiny. (Takeda & Miyake, 1972a)

Type locality: Tsushima, Japan, 34°42'N, 129°16'E, 207m.
Range: Japan - Tsushima (Takeda & Miyake, 1972a, Takeda, 1973c), Goto-retto (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); Taiwan Strait (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); 45-207 m.