Ebalia scabriuscula

Ortmann, 1892

Carapace hexagonal, broader than long. Anterior 1/5 of dorsal surface depressed, covered with fine granules; posterior 4/5 convex, intestinal region especially so, with vesiculous granules of various sizes. Antero-lateral borders with a notch near the hepatic region. Junction of the antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders angular. Posterior border in full-grown male and female specimens with a tubercle on each side. Merus, carpus, and palm of the cheliped covered with pointed granules. Segments of ambulatory legs also with sharp granules. Abdomen of both sexes consisting of five segments. Sixth segment of male with a tubercle near the median portion. Basal 2/3 of the first male pleopod stout; the distal 1/3 slender and curved, with relatively longer setae. (Chen, H., 1989: 185)

Type locality: Sagami Bay, Japan.
Range: Japan - Sagami Bay (Ortmann, 1892, Sakai, 1965b), between Hatsushima and Ito (Sakai, 1935), Kumano-nada (Sakai, 1937a), Shiono-misaki (Miyake, 1983); ? East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1970a, 1972); South China Sea; Philippines - north and west Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981), north of Lubang and Tablas Strait (Chen H., 1989); 50-202 m.