Cymonomus umitakae

Takeda, 1981

Carapace not coarsely granular, smooth to the naked eye. Frontal spine shorter than the eyestalks. Frontal external angle a large triangular tooth, more than half as long as frontal spine. Eyestalks fixed, directed longitudinally forward. Cheliped provided with distinct spines, markedly on carpus, palm and fingers. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: off Nojima-zaki, Boso Peninsula, Japan, 34°57.5'N, 140°07.5'E - 34°57.7'N, 140°07.4'E, 335-260 m.
Range: Japan - off Nojima-zaki (Takeda, 1981a); 260-335 m.