- Alcock, A.W. 1900b. Materials for a carcinological fauna of India. No. 6. The Brachyura Catometopa or Grapsoidea. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, 69(3): 279-456.
- Balss, H. 1922c. Östasiatische Decapoden. IV. Die Brachyrhynchen (Cancridea). Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 88A(11): 94-166, figs 1-2, pls 1-2.
- Balss, H. 1938a. Die Dekapoda Brachyura von Dr. Sixten Bock's Pazifik Expedition 1917-1918. Göteborges Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhälles Handlingar, Ser. B, 5(7): 1-85, figs 1-18, pls 1-2.
- Barnard, K.H. 1950. Descriptive catalogue of South African Decapod Crustacea (Crabs and Shrimps). Annals of the South African Museum, 38: 1-837, figs 1-154.
- Bouvier, E.L. 1915b. Décapodes marcheurs (Reptantia) et Stomatopodes recueillis à l'île Maurice par M. Paul Carié. Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique, sér. 7, 48(3): 178-318 (1-141), figs 1-42, pls 4-7. [1915/V].
- Chang, K.-H. & Y.-S. Chen 1992. Guide to the seashore life in the northeast coast National Scenic Area of Taiwan. 240 pp. Northeast Coast National Scenic Area Administration Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taipei. (In Chinese).
- Chen, H. 1975. Studies on the crabs of Xisha Islands, Guandong Provence, China. I. Studia marina sinica, 10: 157-179, figs 1-12, pls 1-3. (In Chinese with English summary.).
- Crosnier, A. 1965. Crustacés Décapodes. Grapsidae et Ocypodidae. Faune de Madagascar, 18: 1-143, figs 1-260, pls 1-11.
- Dai, A. & S. Yang 1991. Crabs of the China Seas, i-iv, 1-608, figs 1-295, pls 1-74. China Ocean Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, English edition. (Translation from Chinese original 1986.).
- Dana, J.D. 1852c. Crustacea. United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N., 13(pt. 1): i-viii, 1-685, pl. 8.
- Edmondson, C.H. 1923. Crustacea from Palmyra and Fanning Islands. Bulletin of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, 5: 1-43, figs 1-3, pls 1-2.
- Edmondson, C.H. 1959. Hawaiian Grapsidae. Occasional Papers of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, 22(10): 153-202, figs 1-27.
- Hartnoll, R.G. 1975. The Grapsidae and Ocypodidae (Decapoda: Brachyura) of Tanzania. Journal of Zoology, London, 177(3): 305-328, 8 figs, 3 tabs.
- Herbst, J.F.W. 1804. Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse nebst einer systematischen Beschreibung ihrer verschiedenen Arten, 3(4): 1-49, pls 59-62.
- Jeng, M.-S 1997. Studies on the land and aquatic decapod crustacean fauna of the Kenting National Park (II) Communities of decapod crustaceans around the sea. ii+66 pp. Ministry of the Interior, Taipei. (in Chinese with English abstract).
- Jeng, M.-S., R.-G. Chan, H.-R. Fung, & Q.-S. Chen 1997. Northeast Coast Scenic Area. Investigations into ecological resources and monitering. 194 pp. Ministry of Transport and Tourism. Taipei. (in Chinese).
- Krauss, C.F.F. 1843. Die Südafrikanischen Crustaceen. Eine Zusammenstellung aller bekannten Malacostraca, Bemerkungen über deren Lebensweise und geographische Verbreitung, nebst Beschreibung und Abbildung mehrerer neuen Arten. Stuttgart: 1-68, pls 1-4.
- Lai, S.-H., J.-F. Huang & L.-S. Fang 1997. Crab fauna of Kaohsiung Harbor, southwestern Taiwan. Annual of Taiwan Museum, 40: 225-240. (in Chinese with English abstract).
- Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de 1818. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertèbres, présentant les caractères généraux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales espèces qui s'y rapportent; précédée d'une introduction offrant la détermination des caractères essentiels de l'Animal, sa distinction du végétal et des autres corps naturels, enfin, l'Exposition des principes fondamentaux de la zoologie, 5: 1-612.
- Latreille, P.A. 1806. Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum secundum ordinem naturalem in familias disposita iconibus exemplisque plurimis explicata. Parisiis et Argentorabi Koenig, 1: 1-302, 16 pls.
- Lenz, H. 1905. Ostafrikanische Dekapoden und Stomatopoden, gesammelt von Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Voeltzkow. In: A. Voeltzkow, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Reisen in Madagaskar und Ostafrika in den Jahren 1889-1895. Vol. 3. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 27(4): 341-392, pls 47-48.
- Lin, C.C. 1949. A catalogue of Brachyurous Crustacea of Taiwan. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum, 2(1): 10-33.
- Michel, C. 1964. Checklist of the Crustacea Brachyura (Crabs) recorded from Mauritius. Mauritius Institute Bulletin, 6(1): 1-48.
- Miers, E.J. 1876b. Catalogue of the stalk- and sessile-eyed Crustacea of New Zealand, i-xii, 1-136, pls 1-3. Colonial Museum & Geological Survey Department, London.
- Milne Edwards, A. 1873a. Recherches sur la faune carcinologique de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Part II. Groupe des Cyclométopes Portuniens. Nouvelles archives du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 9: 155-332, pls 4-18.
- Milne-Edwards, H. 1836-1844. Crustacés. In: Cuvier, G., Le Règne animal, distribué d'après son organisation, pour sevir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux, et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée: 1-278, Atlas, pls 1-80. Paris. (According to Cowan (1976: 60), the text and plates of this work were published in 23 parts (livraisons) between September 1836 and March 1844. These parts are summarized here as follows: main part number (equivalent Crustacea part number): pages, plates, (date): 8(1): 1-8, pls 1, 7, 22, 26, September 1836; 20(2): 9-16, pls 2, 17, 24, 41, March 1837; 33(3): 17-24, pls 25, 42, 47, 48, October 1837; 38(4): 25-32, pls 37, 38, 44, 50, January 1838; 51(5): 33-40, pls 8, 20, 29, 33, July 1838; 60(6): 41-48, pls 9, 21, 27, 40, November 1838; 70(7): 49-56, pls 23, 30, 31, 45, April 1839; 73(8): 57-64, pls 43, 46, 58, 61, June 1839. 87(9): 65-72, pls 28, 49, 65, 66, January 1840; 90(10): 73-80, pls 3, 36, 71, 71bis, February 1840; 95(11): 81-88, pls 19, 32, 34bis, 67, May 1840; 99(12): 89-96.
- Milne-Edwards, H. 1837. Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie et la classification de ces animaux. Libraire Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris, Vol. 2: 1-532, pls 1-2, 7-8, 10, 14, 18-19, 21, 24. (See Holthuis, 1979, for dates of publication.).
- Miyake, S. 1939b. Notes on Crustacea Brachyura collected by Professor Teiso Esaki's Micronesia Expeditions 1937-1938 together with a check list of Micronesian Brachyura. Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan, National Research Council (Tokyo), 10(2): 168-247, figs 1-13, pls 12-17, 1 table.
- Miyake, S. 1983. Japanese Crustacean Decapods and Stomatopods in color. Vol. II. Brachyura (Crabs), i-viii, 1-277, pls 1-64. Hoikusha, Osaka. (In Japanese; second edition in 1992).
- Muraoka, K. 1998. Catalogue of the Brachyuran and Anomuran Crabs donated by Prof. Dr. Tune Sakai to the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum. Catalogue of the Collection in the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, 11: 5-67, pls 1-16.
- Ortmann, A.E. 1894a. Die Decapoden-Krebse des Strassburger Museums mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der von Herrn Dr. Döderlein bei Japan und bei den Liu-Kiu-Inseln gesammelten und zur Zeit im Strassburger Museum aufbewahrten Formen. Theil VIII. Abtheilung: Brachyura (Brachyura genuina Boas), III. Unterabtheilung: Cancroidea. 2. Section: Cancrinea, 2. Gruppe: Catametopa. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abtheilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere, 7: 683-772, pl. 23.
- Rathbun, M.J. 1906. The Brachyura and Macrura of the Hawaiian Islands. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23(3): i-viii, 827-930, figs 1-79, pls 1-24.
- Sakai, K. 1999. J.F.W. Herbst - collection of Decapod Crustacea of the Berlin Zoologica Museum, with remarks on certain species. Naturalists, Publications of Tokushima Biological Laboratory, Shikoku University, 6: 1-45, pls 1-21.
- Sakai, T. 1935a. List of marine animals around Shimoda area. Biological report of Shimoda Marine Biological Station, Tokyo University of Literature and Science, 1: 23-85, 3 pls, 2 maps (In Japanese).
- Sakai, T. 1939. Studies on the crabs of Japan. IV. Brachygnatha, Brachyrhyncha, pp. 365-741, figs 1-129, pls 42-111, table 1. Yokendo Co., Tokyo.
- Sakai, T. 1954. Preliminary report on the Brachyuran Crustacea of Hachijo Island. Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan, 1(2): 73-77.
- Sakai, T. 1965b. The Crabs of Sagami Bay, collected by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, i-xvi, 1-206 (English text), figs 1-27, pls 1-100: 1-92 (Japanese text): 1-26 (references and index in English): 27-32 (index in Japanese), 1 map. Maruzen Co., Tokyo.
- Sakai, T. 1976a. Crabs of Japan and the Adjacent Seas. (In 3 volumes: (1) English text: i-xxix, 1-773, figs 1-379, (2) Plates volume: 1-16, pls 1-251, (3) Japanese text: 1-461, figs 1-2, 3 maps.) Kodansha Ltd, Tokyo.
- Sendler, A. 1923. Die Dekapoden und Stomatopoden der Hanseatischen Südsee-Expedition. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Frankfurt a. M., 38: 21-47, figs 1-3, pls 5-6.
- Shen, C.J. & A.Y. Dai 1964. Illustrations of Animals in China (Crustacea part II), Peking: 1-172, 277 figs.
- Shokita, S., Y. Fujita, T. Nagai & A. Kawakami 2000. Decapod Crustacea in Ginowan City, Okinawa Island. History of the Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture, 9: 629-658.
- Stimpson, W. 1907. Report on the Crustacea (Brachyura and Anomura) collected by the North Pacific Exploring Expedition, 1853-1856. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington, 49(1717): 1-240, pls 1-26.
- Takeda, M. & N. Nunomura 1976. Crabs collected by the Melanesia Expedition of the Osaka Museum of Natural History, 1958. Bulletin Osaka Museum of Natural History, 30: 61-92, figs 1-3.
- Tesch, J.J. 1918a. The Decapoda Brachyura of the Siboga-Expedition. I. Hymenosomidae, Retroplumidae, Ocypodidae, Grapsidae and Gecarcinidae. Siboga Expeditie Monografie, 39C1(82): 1-148, pls 1-6.
- Tweedie, M.W.F. 1950b. The fauna of the Cocos-Keeling Islands. Brachyura and Stomatopoda. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Singapore, 22: 105-148, figs 1-4, pls 16-17.
- Tzeng, C.-S. & Y.-S. Chen 1992. Guide to the seashore life in the East Coast, National Scenic Area of Taiwan. 221 pp. East Coast National Scenic Area Administration.
- Wada, K. 1995. Brachyura. In: S. Nishimura, Guide to seashore animals of Japan with color pictures and keys. Vol. 2: 379-418, pls 101-118. (In Japanese).
- Wang, C.-H. & H.-C. Liu 1996a. Common Seashore crabs of Taiwan. Taiwan Museum, Taipei, pp 1-138. (in Chinese).
- Wang, C.-H. & H.-C. Liu 1998. Common Seashore Crabs of Taiwan. (Second edition) 136 pp. Taiwan Museum, Taipei. (in Chinese).
- Yu, H.-P., M.-S. Jeng, T.-Y. Chan, P.-H. Ho & J.-Y. Shy 1996. Studies on the land and aquatic decapod crustacean fauna of the Kenting National Park. ii+79 pp. Ministry of the Interior, Taipei. (in Chinese with English abstract).
- de Haan, W. 1833-1849. Crustacea. In: Ph.F. von Siebold, Fauna Japonica sive Descriptio Animalium, quae in Itinere per Japoniam, Jussu et Auspiciis Superiorum, qui Summum in India Batava Imperium Tenent, Suscepto, Annis 1823-1830 Collegit, Notis, Observationibus et Adumbrationibus Illustravit: ix-xvi, i-xxi, vii-xvii, 1-243, pls A-J, L-Q, 1-55, circ. tab. 2. (For dates see Sherborn & Jentink, 1895 and Holthuis, 1953.).
- de Man, J.G. 1888d. Bericht über die von Herrn. Dr. J. Brock im indischen Archipel gesammelten Decapoden und Stomatopoden. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin, 53(pt. 1): 289-600, pls 11-22a.
- de Man, J.G. 1902a. Die von Herrn Professor Kükenthal im indischen Archipel gesammelten Dekapoden und Stomatopoden. In: W. Kükenthal, Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, in Aufträge der Senckenberg. Naturforsch. Gesellschaft ausgeführt von Dr. Willy Kükenthal. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 25(3): 465-929, pls 19-27.