Parapyxidognathus deianira


  • Alcock, A.W. 1900b. Materials for a carcinological fauna of India. No. 6. The Brachyura Catometopa or Grapsoidea. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, 69(3): 279-456.
  • Dai, A. & S. Yang 1991. Crabs of the China Seas, i-iv, 1-608, figs 1-295, pls 1-74. China Ocean Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, English edition. (Translation from Chinese original 1986.).
  • Dai, A. & Y. Song 1977. On Grapsidae (Crustacea: Brachyura) of China. Acta zoologica sinica, 23(4): 360-376, figs 1-8, pl. 1. (In Chinese with English summary.).
  • Fukui, Y., K. Wada & C.-H. Wang 1989. Ocypodidae, Mictyridae and Grapsidae (Crustacea: Brachyura) from some coasts of Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Museum, 42(1): 225-238, figs 1-25, tabs 1-3.
  • Kemp, S.W. 1918. Crustacea Decapoda and Stomatopoda. In: N. Annandale (ed.), Zoological results of a tour in the Far East. Part 5. Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 6: 217-297, figs 1-12.
  • Nomoto, A., S. Yodo, S. Kimura, T. Kishino, M. Sakano & K. Wada 1999. Six rare brachyuran species of the family Grapsidae, recorded from the Kinokawa River Estuary, Wakayama Prefecture. Nankiseibutu, 41(1): 5-9, pl. 1. (in Japanese).
  • Serène, R. & M.K. Moosa 1971. New and few known species of Brachyura from Ambon. Marine Research in Indonesia (Penelitian Laut di Indonesia), 11: 1-18, figs 1-3, pls 1-6.
  • Tesch, J.J. 1918d. The Grapsoid genus Pyxidognathus A. Milne-Edwards, with description of a new species. Zoologische Mededeelingen, Leyden, 4: 167-177, pl. 11.
  • Ward, M. 1941. New Brachyura from the Gulf of Davao, Mindanao, Philippine Islands. American Museum Novitates, New York, 1104: 1-15, figs 1-30.
  • de Man, J.G. 1888a. Report on the Podophthalmous Crustacea of the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John Anderson, F.R.S. Superintendent of the Museum. Part III. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, (Zoology), 22(138): 129-176, pls 9-12.