Trapezia formosa


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  • Castro, P. 1996. Eastern Pacific species of Trapezia (Crustacea, Brachyura: Trapeziidae), sibling species symbiotic with reef corals. Bulletin of Marine Science, 58(2): 531-554, figs 1-4.
  • Castro, P. 1997a. Trapeziid crabs (Brachyura: Xanthoidea: Trapeziidae) of New Caledonia, eastern Australia, and the Coral Sea. In: B. Richer de Forges (ed.), Les fonds meubles des lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Sédimentologie, Benthos), Études Théses, 3: 59-107, figs 1-4, pls 1-7.
  • Castro, P. 1998. Systematic status and geographic distribution of Trapezia formosa Smith, 1869 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Trapeziidae), a symbiont of reef corals. Zoosystema, 20(2): 177-181, figs 1-2.
  • Castro, P. 1999a. Trapeziid crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura, Xanthoidea, Trapeziidae) of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. Zoosystema, 21(1): 93-120.
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  • Chang, K.-H., Y.-S. Chen & C.-P. Chen 1987. Xanthid crabs in the corals, Pocillopora damicornis and P. verrucosa of southern Taiwan. Bulletin of Marine Science, 41(2): 214-220, fig. 1.
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  • Finnegan, S. 1931. Report on the Brachyura collected in the Central America, the Gorgona and Galapagos Islands, by Dr. Crossland on the St. George Expedition to the Pacific, 1924-1925. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, 37(255): 607-673, figs 1-6.
  • Garth, J.S. 1946a. Littoral brachyuran fauna of the Galapagos Archipelago. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 5(10): i-iv, 341-601, fig. 1, pls 49-87.
  • Garth, J.S. 1946b. Distibution studies of the Galapagos Brachyura. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 5(11): 603-638.
  • Garth, J.S. 1948. The Brachyura of the Askoy Expedition with remarks on carcinological collecting in the Panama Bight. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 92(1): 1-66, figs 1-5, pls 1-8.
  • Garth, J.S. 1960. Distribution and affinities of the Brachyuran Crustacea. Systematic Zoology, 9(3): 105-123.
  • Garth, J.S. 1965. The brachyuran decapod crustaceans of Clipperton Island. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 33(1): 1-46, 26 figs.
  • Garth, J.S. 1971a. Borradaile's Maldivian Collections revisited. Journal of the marine biological Association of India, 11(1-2) (1969): 182-190.
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  • Garth, J.S. 1991. Taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of Galápagos Brachyura. In: Galapagos Marine Invertebrates, M.J. James (ed.), Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York: 123-145, tabl. 2.
  • Garth, J.S. 1992. The Brachyuran Crabs of the Revillagigedo Islands, Colima, Mexico, with Remarks on Insular Endemism in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. In: P. Unitt (ed.), Benthic Macro-crustaceans of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Proceedings of the San Diego Society of natural History, 24: 1-6.
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  • Huber, M.E. 1985. Population genetics of eight species of Trapezia (Brachyura: Xanthidae), symbionts of corals. Marine Biology, 85: 23-36.
  • Jeng, M.-S 1997. Studies on the land and aquatic decapod crustacean fauna of the Kenting National Park (II) Communities of decapod crustaceans around the sea. ii+66 pp. Ministry of the Interior, Taipei. (in Chinese with English abstract).
  • Kropp, R.K. & C. Birkeland 1982. Comparison of Crustacea associates on Pocillopora verrucosa from a high Island and an Atoll. Proceedings of the fourth International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila 1981, 2: 627-632, tabls 1-5.
  • Lemaitre, R. & R.A. León 1992. Crustáceos decápodos del Pacífico Colombiano: lista de especies y consideraciones zoogeograficas. Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Punta de Betín, 21: 33-76, table 1.
  • Lockington, W.N. 1877d. Remarks on the Crustacea of the West Coast of North America, with a catalogue of the species in the Museum of the California Academy of Science. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 7: 94-108, 145-156.
  • Miers, E.J. 1886. Report on the Brachyura collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. In: C.W. Thompson & J. Murray, Report on the Scientific Results of the exploring Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876, under the command of Captain George S. Nares, R.N., F.R.S. and the Late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, R.N., Zoology, 17(2): i-xli, 1-362, pls 1-29.
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  • Odinetz-Collart, O. & B. Richer de Forges 1985. Ecology of decapod crustaceans associated with Pocillopora corals from Polynesia and Guam (Micronesia). Proc. Fifth Int. Coral Reef Congr., Tahiti, French Polynesia, 5: 197-203.
  • Ortmann, A.E. 1897a. Die geographische Verbreitung der Dekapoden-familie Trapeziidae. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Systematik, 10: 201-216.
  • Poupin, J. 1996b. Crustacea Decapoda of French Polynesia (Astacidea, Palinuridea, Anomura, Brachyura). Atoll Research Bulletin, 442: i-iv, 1-114, 1 map.
  • Prahl, H. von & M. Alberico 1986. Isla de Gorgona. Biblioteca Banco Popular, Bogotá, Colombia. 127 pp.
  • Prahl, H. von, F. Guhl & M. Grögl 1978. Crustáceos decápodos comensales del coral Pocillopora damicornis L. en la Isla de Gorgona, Colombia. Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Punta de Betín, 10: 81-93. illustr. (English summary.).
  • Rathbun, M.J. 1910c. The stalk-eyed Crustacea of Peru and the adjacent coast. Proceedings of the United States national Museum, 38(1766): 531-620, figs 1-3, pls 36-56.
  • Ribes, S. 1978. La Macrofauna vagile associée á la partie vivante des Scléractiniaires sur un récif frangeant de l'île de la Réunion (Océan Indien), Thèse de doctorat, 3e cycle, Océanologie, Université de Aix-Marseille II: 1-167, figs 1-28.
  • Serène, R. 1959. Note sur les espèces de Trapezia du groupe Digitalis et sur leurs relations avec les espèces de Tetralia. Treubia, 25(1): 127-157, figs 1-6, pls 1-2.
  • Serène, R. 1971a. Observations on species of the group Trapezia rufopunctata-maculata, with a provisional key for all the species of Trapezia. Journal of the marine biological Association of India, 11(1-2) (1969): 126-148, figs 1-33.
  • Serène, R. 1984. Crustacés Décapodes Brachyoures de l'Océan Indien occidental et de la Mer Rouge, Xanthoidea: Xanthidae et Trapeziidae. Avec un addendum par Crosnier (A): Carpiliidae et Menippidae. Faune Tropicale, no. XXIV: 1-349, figs A-C + 1-243, pls 1-48. (In French) (Translated into English by R.W. Ingle).
  • Smith, S.I. 1869a. Notes on new or little known species of American cancroid Crustacea. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 12: 274-289.
  • Tweedie, M.W.F. 1950b. The fauna of the Cocos-Keeling Islands. Brachyura and Stomatopoda. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Singapore, 22: 105-148, figs 1-4, pls 16-17.
  • Yu, H.-P., M.-S. Jeng, T.-Y. Chan, P.-H. Ho & J.-Y. Shy 1996. Studies on the land and aquatic decapod crustacean fauna of the Kenting National Park. ii+79 pp. Ministry of the Interior, Taipei. (in Chinese with English abstract).