Pseudoliomera remota


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  • Lin, C.C. 1949. A catalogue of Brachyurous Crustacea of Taiwan. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum, 2(1): 10-33.
  • Odhner, T. 1925. Monographierte Gattungen der Krabben-familie Xanthidae. I. Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhälles Handlingar, (4) 29(1): 1-92, figs 1-7, pls 1-5. (in German).
  • Rathbun, M.J. 1907. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross, from August, 1899 to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U.S.N., commanding - IX. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U.S. Commission Steamer Albatross from October, 1904 to March, 1905, lieut.-commander L.M. Garrett, U.S.N., commanding - X. The Brachyura. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 35(2): 23-74, pls 1-9.
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  • Sakai, T. 1939. Studies on the crabs of Japan. IV. Brachygnatha, Brachyrhyncha, pp. 365-741, figs 1-129, pls 42-111, table 1. Yokendo Co., Tokyo.
  • Sakai, T. 1976a. Crabs of Japan and the Adjacent Seas. (In 3 volumes: (1) English text: i-xxix, 1-773, figs 1-379, (2) Plates volume: 1-16, pls 1-251, (3) Japanese text: 1-461, figs 1-2, 3 maps.) Kodansha Ltd, Tokyo.
  • Serène, R. 1984. Crustacés Décapodes Brachyoures de l'Océan Indien occidental et de la Mer Rouge, Xanthoidea: Xanthidae et Trapeziidae. Avec un addendum par Crosnier (A): Carpiliidae et Menippidae. Faune Tropicale, no. XXIV: 1-349, figs A-C + 1-243, pls 1-48. (In French) (Translated into English by R.W. Ingle).