Philyra carinata


  • Balss, H. 1922b. Ostasiatische Decapoden III. Die Dromiaceen, Oxystomen und Parthenopiden. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 88A(3): 104-140, figs 1-9. (In German).
  • Bell, T. 1855. Horae Carcinologicae, or Notices of Crustacea. I. A monograph of Leucosiadae, with observations on the relations, structure, habits and distribution of the family; a revision of the generic characters and descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, (Zoology), 21(4): 277-314, pls 30-34. (Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, 3: 428-435. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (2) 16: 361-367.).
  • Dai, A. & S. Yang 1991. Crabs of the China Seas, i-iv, 1-608, figs 1-295, pls 1-74. China Ocean Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, English edition. (Translation from Chinese original 1986.).
  • Ihle, J.E.W. 1918. Die Decapoda Brachyura der Siboga-Expedition. III. Oxystomata: Calappidae, Leucosiidae, Raninidae. Siboga Expeditie Monografie, 39(b2): 159-322, figs 78-148 (71 pls).
  • Sakai, T. 1937a. Studies on the Crabs of Japan. II. Oxystomata. Science Reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, (B) 3 (Suppl. no. 2): 67-192, 45 figs, pls 10-19.
  • Sakai, T. 1976a. Crabs of Japan and the Adjacent Seas. (In 3 volumes: (1) English text: i-xxix, 1-773, figs 1-379, (2) Plates volume: 1-16, pls 1-251, (3) Japanese text: 1-461, figs 1-2, 3 maps.) Kodansha Ltd, Tokyo.
  • Shen, C.J. & A.Y. Dai 1964. Illustrations of Animals in China (Crustacea part II), Peking: 1-172, 277 figs.
  • Shen, C.J. 1937b. On some Account of the Crabs of North China. Bulletin of the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology (Zool.), Peiping, 7(5): 167-185.
  • Shen, C.J. 1940b. On the collection of Crabs of South China. Bulletin of the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology (Zool.), Peiping, 10(2): 69-104.
  • Targioni Tozzetti, A. 1877. Crostacei Brachyuri e Anomuri. In: Zoologia del viaggio intorno al Globo della R. Pirocorvetta Magenta durante gli anni 1865-1868. Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto di Studi superiore pratici e di Perfezionamento in Firenze. Sezione di Scienze fisiche e naturali, 1: i-xxix, 1-257, pls 1-12.