Lauridromia intermedia


  • Campbell, B.M. 1971. New records and new species of crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura) trawled off southern Queensland: Dromiacea, Homolidea, Gymnopleura, Corystoidea and Oxystomata. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 16(1): 27-48, figs 1-4, pls 2-3.
  • Ihle, J.E.W. 1913. Die Decapoda Brachyura der Siboga-Expedition I. Dromiacea. Siboga Expeditie Monografie, 39(b): 1-96, 38 figs, pls 1-4.
  • Laurie, R.D. 1906. Report on the Brachyura collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. In: W.A. Herdman, Report to the Government of Ceylon on the Pearl Oyster Fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar with supplementary reports upon the Marine Biology of Ceylon by other Naturalists, part 5, suppl. Rep. 40: 349-432, figs 1-12, pls 1-2.
  • Lewinsohn, C. 1984. Dromiidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) from Madagascar and the Seychelles. Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, (4) 6, sect. A. (1): 89-129, 4 figs, 4 pls.
  • Lin, C.C. 1949. A catalogue of Brachyurous Crustacea of Taiwan. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum, 2(1): 10-33.
  • McLay, C.L. 1993. Crustacea Decapoda: The Sponge Crabs (Dromiidae) of New Caledonia and the Philippines with a review of the genera. In: A. Crosnier (ed.), Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, Volume 10. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 156: 111-251, figs 1-19, tabl. 1-8.
  • McLay, C.L. 1998. A new genus and species of dromiid crab (Brachyura, Dromiidae) from the Timor Sea, Northwest Australia with records of other species from the China Sea. Zoosystema, 20(2): 339-350, figs 1-3.
  • Miyake, S. 1983. Japanese Crustacean Decapods and Stomatopods in color. Vol. II. Brachyura (Crabs), i-viii, 1-277, pls 1-64. Hoikusha, Osaka. (In Japanese; second edition in 1992).
  • Muraoka, K. 1998. Catalogue of the Brachyuran and Anomuran Crabs donated by Prof. Dr. Tune Sakai to the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum. Catalogue of the Collection in the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, 11: 5-67, pls 1-16.
  • Ng, P.K.L., T.-Y. Chan & C.-H. Wang 2000a. The Dromiidae, Raninidae and Corystidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) of Taiwan. In: J.-S. Hwang et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Marine Biology in Taiwan - Crustacea and Zooplankton Taxonomy, Ecology and Living Resources. Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series, No. 10.
  • Sakai, T. 1936c. Studies on the crabs of Japan. I. Dromiacea. Science Reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, (B) 3 (Suppl. no. 1): 1-66, figs 1-13, pls 1-9.
  • Sakai, T. 1976a. Crabs of Japan and the Adjacent Seas. (In 3 volumes: (1) English text: i-xxix, 1-773, figs 1-379, (2) Plates volume: 1-16, pls 1-251, (3) Japanese text: 1-461, figs 1-2, 3 maps.) Kodansha Ltd, Tokyo.
  • Wada, K. 1995. Brachyura. In: S. Nishimura, Guide to seashore animals of Japan with color pictures and keys. Vol. 2: 379-418, pls 101-118. (In Japanese).
  • Yamaguchi, T., M. Takeda & K. Tokudome 1976. A list of crabs collected in the vicinity of the Aitsu Marine Biological Station and a preliminary report on the cheliped asymmetry of the crabs. Calanus, 5: 31-46, figs., pl., 2 tabs.
  • Yang, S. & A. Dai 1994. Further notes on the crabs (Brachyura Crustacea) from Nansha Islands and its adjacent waters. In: Marine Fauna and Flora and Biogeography of the Nansha Islands and Neighbouring waters, 1, China Ocean Press, Beijing: 125-147, figs 1-17, pl. 1. (In Chinese with English summary).