Genus Pyromaia

Stimpson, 1871

Basal antennal article clearly overreaching anterior margin of eyestalk; green (antennal) gland distinct and more or less distant from junction of basal antennal article and epistome. Third maxilliped with merus as broad as ischium. (Türkay 1995)

Carapace pyriform, convex, rough with tubercles and spines; rostrum simple, well developed; supraorbital spine usually present; postorbital spine large, distinct from the ocular cavity, and curved around end of eye, tip directed forward. Basal article of outer antennae long and narrow, tapering anteriorly; movable portion very slender. Epistome a little wider than long.
Buccal cavity not completely filled by the outer maxillipeds; ischium with its inner distal portion strongly advanced; merus cordate, with a prominent narrow lobe on the inner side. Chelipeds of moderate length, merus triangulate, manus swollen, fingers long and curving inward. Ambulatory legs very long and slender, cylindrical, decreasing successively in length from first to fourth pair; dactyli long and slightly curved. Abdomen of male with the last two segments, of female with the last three segments, fused. (Rathbun, 1925)

Species treated:
Pyromaia tuberculata (Lockington, 1877)