Genus Nursia

Leach, 1817

Carapace broadly pentagonal. Dorsal surface usually traversed by ridges radiating from the centre. Margins thin and expanded. Anterior extremity of buccal cavern reaching beyond the level of the anterior boundary of the pterygostomial region. Chelipeds: chela normal. (Guinot 1998)

Species included:
Nursia alata Komatsu & Takeda, 1999
Nursia elegans Ihle, 1918 (new for Japan: Komatsu & Takeda, 2000)
Nursia japonica Sakai, 1935
Nursia minor (Miers, 1879)
Nursia plicata (Herbst, 1804)
Nursia rhomboidalis (Miers, 1879)