Genus Dromia

Weber, 1795

Carapace wider than long, surface smooth or sculptured. Rostrum tridentate. Female sternal grooves end apart or together between or behind the cheliped bases. Cheliped with an epipod. Legs not knobbed or ridged. Length of propodi and dactyli of first two pairs of legs usually equal, inner margins of dactyli armed with 5-7 small spines on inner margin. Fourth leg shorter than second leg. Uropod plates well developed, visible externally, used in male abdomen locking mechanism. Joint between last two abdominal segments freely movable. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Cancer personata Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, 1964.
Gender feminine.

Species included:
Dromia bollorei Forest, 1974
Dromia dormia (Linnaeus, 1763)
Dromia erythropus (George-Edwards, 1771)
Dromia foresti McLay, 1993
Dromia marmorea Forest, 1974
Dromia monodi Forest & Guinot, 1966
Dromia nodosa A. Milne Edwards & Bouvier, 1898
Dromia personata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dromia spinirostris Miers, 1881
Dromia wilsoni (Fulton & Grant, 1902)