Genus Lauridromia

McLay, 1993

Whole body and legs covered by a velvety tomentum. Carapace as wide as or wider than long. Sternal grooves of mature females end apart on well developed tubes behind base of chelipeds. Cheliped with an epipod, superior margin of carpus and propodus armed with two to four large tubercles. Propodi and dactyli of first two pairs of legs equal in length, inner margin of dactyli typically armed with seven or more small spines. Fourth leg shorter than second. Uropods well developed, visible externally, but not used in abdominal locking mechanism. Joint between the last two abdominal segments wholly or at least partially locked. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Dromia intermedia Laurie, 1906, by McLay's designation in 1993.

Species treated:
Lauridromia dehaani (Rathbun, 1923)
Lauridromia indica (Gray, 1831)
Lauridromia intermedia (Laurie, 1906)