Genus Goneplax


  • Alcock, A.W. 1900b. Materials for a carcinological fauna of India. No. 6. The Brachyura Catometopa or Grapsoidea. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, 69(3): 279-456.
  • Barnard, K.H. 1950. Descriptive catalogue of South African Decapod Crustacea (Crabs and Shrimps). Annals of the South African Museum, 38: 1-837, figs 1-154.
  • Dana, J.D. 1852c. Crustacea. United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N., 13(pt. 1): i-viii, 1-685, pl. 8.
  • Guinot, D. 1969b. Recherches préliminaires sur les groupements naturels chez les Crustacés, Décapodes, Brachyoures. VII. Les Goneplacidae (suite). Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, (2) 41(2): 507-528, figs 33-82, pl. 2.
  • Guinot, D. 1971a. Recherches préliminaires sur les groupements naturels chez les crustacés decapodes brachyoures. VIII. Synthèse et bibliographie. Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 42(5): 1063-1090. (in French).
  • Leach, W.E. 1814. Crustaceology. In: Brewster, D., The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, 7: 383-437, pl. 221.
  • Leach, W.E. 1816. Annulosa. In Supplement to the 4th to 6th Editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1: 401-453, pls 20-26.
  • Miers, E.J. 1886. Report on the Brachyura collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. In: C.W. Thompson & J. Murray, Report on the Scientific Results of the exploring Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876, under the command of Captain George S. Nares, R.N., F.R.S. and the Late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, R.N., Zoology, 17(2): i-xli, 1-362, pls 1-29.
  • Milne Edwards, A. 1880. Études préliminaires sur les Crustacés, 1ere Partie. In: Reports on the Results of Dredging under the Supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Caribbean Sea, 1877, '78, '79, by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer Blake, Lieut.-Commander C.D. Sigsbee, U.S.N., and Commander J.R. Bartlett, U.S.N., Commanding. VIII. Études préliminaires sur les crustacés. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 8(1): 1-68, pls 1-2.
  • Milne-Edwards, H. 1852. Observations sur les affinités zoologiques et la classification naturelle des Crustacés. De la famille des ocypodides (Ocypodidae). Second Mémoire. Annales du Science Naturelles, Zoologie, (3) 18: 109-166, pls 3-4. (Reprinted with separate pagination in undated Mélanges Carcinologiques (pages 73-128), along with other articles; p. 92 in Mélanges = page 128 of original.).
  • Monod, T. 1956. Hippidea et Brachyura ouest-africains. Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire, 45: 1-674, figs 1-884, 10 tabls.
  • Rathbun, M.J. 1918a. The Grapsoid Crabs of America. United States national Museum Bulletin, 97: i-xxii, 1-461, figs 1-72, pls 1-161.
  • Sakai, T. 1939. Studies on the crabs of Japan. IV. Brachygnatha, Brachyrhyncha, pp. 365-741, figs 1-129, pls 42-111, table 1. Yokendo Co., Tokyo.
  • Sakai, T. 1965b. The Crabs of Sagami Bay, collected by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, i-xvi, 1-206 (English text), figs 1-27, pls 1-100: 1-92 (Japanese text): 1-26 (references and index in English): 27-32 (index in Japanese), 1 map. Maruzen Co., Tokyo.
  • Sakai, T. 1976a. Crabs of Japan and the Adjacent Seas. (In 3 volumes: (1) English text: i-xxix, 1-773, figs 1-379, (2) Plates volume: 1-16, pls 1-251, (3) Japanese text: 1-461, figs 1-2, 3 maps.) Kodansha Ltd, Tokyo.
  • Serène, R. & A.F. Umali 1972. The family Raninidae and other new and rare species of brachyuran Decapods from the Philippines and adjacent regions. Philippine Journal of Science, 99(nos. 1-2): 21-105, figs 1-131, pls 1-9.
  • Serène, R. 1964a. Goneplacidae et Pinnotheridae récoltes par le Dr. Mortensen. In: Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914-1916. No. 80. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn, 126: 181-282, figs 1-22, pls 16-24.
  • Takeda, M. 1973c. Report on the Crabs from the Sea around the Tsushima Islands Collected by the Research Vessel Genkai for the Trustees of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Bulletin of the Liberal Arts & Science Course, Nihon University School of Medicine, 1: 17-68, figs 1-5, tabls 1-3.
  • Tesch, J.J. 1918b. The Decapoda Brachyura of the Siboga-Expedition. II. Goneplacidae and Pinnotheridae. Siboga Expeditie Monografie, 39 Cl, livr. 84: 149-295, pls 7-18.